Terms of use and privacy

Terms of Use and Privacy

Last updated: August 9, 2019


The owner of this website and the entity responsible for processing it is Aquagib Ltd, with its address at 50 Town Range, Gibraltar, and tax identification number [NIF]. You agree to the terms and conditions outlined below by using the website.


The website may contain links to other websites. However, we do not exercise any control over these sites or their content, which are subject to their own terms and conditions. We also do not assume any association or responsibility for them, nor do we guarantee their technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, or truthfulness.


The Service is the owner or licensee of all intellectual and industrial property rights related to its website, as well as the elements contained therein. Therefore, the reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation, in whole or in part, of the contents of this website for commercial purposes on any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of the Service, is expressly prohibited.



The personal and non-personal information collected may vary depending on your use of the website and its characteristics. The personal and non-personal information collected will reach us through two means:

  • Automatically collected information
  • Information voluntarily provided by you


This information may include:

  • Data collected through cookies or similar mechanisms stored on your device, with your consent. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for more information.
  • IP address used for the connection, the type of device used, its characteristics, the version of the operating system, the type of browser, the language, the date, the country, the time of the request, the referring URL, or the mobile network used, among others.
  • Site usage data and any errors detected during its use, such as pages not found or incorrect display.


This information may include:

  • Information contained in messages sent through the site’s contact channels, such as your email, alias or name, subject, or message.
  • Personal or non-personal information required to leave a comment on the news section of the site, such as the content of the comment, name, email, and website.
  • Data provided to register as a user, such as your email, alias or name, subject, or message.
  • Personal information required to subscribe to the newsletter, such as your email address.

Please note that the completion of forms is voluntary. However, if you do not fill in the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk, you may not be able to use some functions of the site or they may be limited.


You have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit the processing of, object to, and portability of your personal data at any time. You can exercise these rights by sending an email to info@aquagib.gi or by sending a postal letter to Aquagib Ltd, 50 Town Range, Gibraltar. In both cases, you must provide your name, surname, and a copy of your national ID or passport.

If you have given consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If you believe that there is a problem with the way we handle your data, you can submit a complaint to the corresponding data protection authority. For Spain, the relevant authority is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos).


The data provided to the Service will be used for the following purposes:

  • Fulfilling your requests, based on our legitimate interest in responding to and resolving user inquiries.
  • Providing you access to our services as a user, based on our legitimate interest in providing and managing the service.
  • Publishing your comments within the blog section of our website, based on your consent.
  • Sending you our latest news and updates through our newsletter, based on your consent.


The site’s web form has SSL encryption, which allows for the secure transmission of personal data through standard contact forms. The personal data collected will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into the corresponding files of the Service.

Under these circumstances:

  • We will receive your IP, which will be used to verify the origin of the message in order to provide appropriate recommendations (e.g., presenting information in the correct language) and detect possible irregularities (e.g., potential cyber attacks on the Service), as well as data related to your ISP.
  • You may also provide us with your data via phone, email, or other indicated means of communication.


We have profiles on some of the main social media networks. As the Service is responsible for processing data published on these networks (e.g., photos uploaded by the Service that include people’s faces), the data will be processed according to the rules set by the respective social networks for corporate profiles. Therefore, we may use these networks to inform our followers about our activities or offers, and to provide personalized customer support. We will not extract data from social networks unless expressly authorized by the user. If exercising your rights on social networks depends on modifying your profile, we will help and advise you to the best of our abilities.


The following is the duration for which the Service will retain the data:

  • Disaggregated data will be retained indefinitely.
  • Customer data will be retained for the minimum length of time necessary, up to:
    • 5 years as set forth in Article 1964 of the Civil Code for personal actions without a special term.
    • 6 years as set forth in Article 30 of the Commercial Code for accounting books or invoices, for example.
  • User data uploaded by the Service to pages and profiles on social media will be retained from the moment the user provides consent until consent is withdrawn.
  • Data provided for the newsletter will be retained from the moment the user provides consent until consent is withdrawn.

There are third parties that manage parts of the Service. We require them to comply with this Privacy Policy to the extent applicable, and they must have their own privacy policies. However, we cannot be held responsible for the compliance of these policies.

Under certain circumstances, the Service may share, use, preserve, or disclose Personal Information to third parties in a non-aggregated form. This may be done for the following purposes:

  • Providing the Service.
  • Fulfilling legal obligations or responding to legal processes. In any case, we will only provide the required information.
  • Detecting, preventing, or otherwise addressing fraud, security, or technical issues related to the Service.

To the extent permitted by law, the Service is not responsible for:

  • Errors or omissions in the content.
  • Unavailability of the website.
  • Transmission of malicious programs in the content, despite having taken all reasonable technological measures to prevent this.
  1. Modifications

The Service reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate to its website without prior notice, being able to change, remove or add both the content and services provided through it, as well as the way in which they appear presented.

On the other hand, these terms and conditions may change at any time. The modifications will take effect from the moment of their publication.

  1. Cookies

Check out our Cookie Policy to learn about their use.